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Data Snapshot as of October 2, 2024
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When your Lambda need to import libraries, packaing all libraries along with your business logic is not recommended. Instead you can upload libraries as Lambda Layers, so that multiple Lambda functions can access same layer.
This module will create an AWS Lambda Layer with ANY Python library you like. This module is published in Terraform as CloudPediaAI/lambdalayer-python/aws.
How this module works?
You can assign the name of library you want to install in the variable library_name .
Once you provide the library name, this module will
- create a local folder
- install the library (using pip3) in the above folder
- after succussfull installation, it will package the folder
- create a Lambda Layer in AWS and will upload the package
- return the ARN of the Lambda Layer with version #
Other Variables can be assigned
Layer Name (Optional)
You can assign the Lambda Layer name by assigning variable layer_name. If not provided, then the layer name will be lib-python-"library-name".
Python Runtime (Optional)
This module supports the following Python runtimes.
- Python 3.12 (python3.12)
- Python 3.11 (python3.11)
- Python 3.10 (python3.10)
- Python 3.9 (python3.9)
- Python 3.8 (python3.8)
You can change the runtime by assigning variable python_runtime. If not provided, Layer will be created with the latest runtime python3.12
How to install Node.js libraries?
If you want to install Node.js libraries, we have published a Terraform module CloudPediaAI/lambdalayer-nodejs/aws which can be used to create Lambda Layer for any Node.js library.
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